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Topic: So Bad It's Good

The phenomenon of things becoming popular and iconic specifically because they are of poor quality or unintentionally absurd.

More on: So Bad It's Good

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of 'So Bad It's Good', where certain films, commercials, and other media gain a cult following and popularity due to their flaws and unintentional absurdity.

In The Happening LIVE!, the hosts analyze how M. Night Shyamalan's 2008 thriller 'The Happening' has gained a cult following for being an entertainingly bad and absurd movie.

Similarly, in When Bad Commercials Become Cult Classics: Live Recording from Reid's Distillery, the hosts explore the phenomenon of bad commercials becoming cult classics, such as the 'I've fallen and I can't get up' ad and other outrageous local advertising campaigns.

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