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Topic: Social cost of carbon

The social cost of carbon is an estimate of the economic damage caused by the emission of one additional ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

More on: Social cost of carbon

The topic of the 'social cost of carbon' is discussed extensively across the podcast episodes provided, as it is a critical metric for evaluating the economic impacts of climate change and the effectiveness of climate policies.

The first episode Groundbreaking Economic Study Suggests Greater Climate Damages highlights a new study that suggests the social cost of carbon is significantly higher than current estimates, with major implications for decision-making. The second episode The Economics of Green Industrial Policy addresses the challenges and methods of calculating the social cost of carbon. The third episode Energy and Climate in the Biden Administration mentions the likelihood of the Biden administration reinstating requirements for government agencies to account for the social cost of carbon. Finally, the fourth episode The Most Complete Climate Policy Plan Ever? discusses the Trump administration's approach to calculating the social cost of carbon and its potential impact on addressing climate change.

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