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Topic: Social inequality

Social inequality refers to the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and power within a society, often based on factors like socioeconomic status, race, gender, and other demographic characteristics.

More on: Social inequality

The podcast episodes highlight various aspects of social inequality, including economic disparities, urban-rural divides, racial discrimination, and unequal access to public services and resources.

For example, the episode The Weekend Intelligence: The state of Britain explores the stark contrasts between affluent and deprived areas, while Episode 1 - Paradise Lost examines the systemic inequalities in Belize's justice system.

Other episodes, such as ​#1134 Unnatural Disasters (Hurricanes and Humans) (Throwback) and What happens when public housing goes private?, delve into how social inequality exacerbates the impacts of natural disasters and housing crises, respectively.

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