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Topic: Social justice activism

Social justice activism refers to organized efforts to promote fairness, equity, and inclusion in society, often through non-violent means such as advocacy, protest, and community organizing.

More on: Social justice activism

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of social justice activism, including the use of music and the arts to advance civil rights and social change movements, the role of media and representation in raising awareness about humanitarian crises and human rights issues, and the challenges of confronting oppression and intolerance in academia and society.

For example, the episode 'S07 E07: Music and the Movement' discusses how artists, activists, and DJs can leverage their platforms to amplify marginalized voices and inspire social and political transformation. The episode 'Democracy Now! 2024-05-28 Tuesday' highlights the work of the late photographer Corky Lee in documenting the Israeli assault on Gaza and the need for accountability and justice. The episode '43. [Excerpt] The Coda: "What I regretted most were my silences"' explores the power of finding one's voice and connecting with others to resist oppressive systems.

These episodes demonstrate the diverse ways in which social justice activists are using various forms of expression and engagement to challenge systemic inequities and work towards a more just and equitable society.

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