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Topic: Social Justice Movements

Social justice movements seek to address systemic inequalities and promote greater equality, human rights, and social change through activism, advocacy, and collective action.

More on: Social Justice Movements

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of social justice movements, including racial justice, immigrant rights, LGBTQ+ advocacy, disability justice, and more. These movements seek to challenge power structures, confront oppression, and create a more just and equitable society.

Several episodes explore the intersections between different social justice causes, such as the connections between the Black Lives Matter movement and the immigrant rights movement (The Horrible Storm), or the ways in which disability justice is linked to anti-capitalist and environmental justice efforts (Disability Justice).

The episodes also delve into the strategies, challenges, and evolution of these movements, discussing topics like coalition building (The promise - and the challenge - of a coalition for rights), leadership transitions (Feminist Leadership Transitions), and the role of music and culture in sustaining social change (The Coda: When a local bar is the heart of community and creativity).

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