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Topic: Social Safety Nets

Social safety nets are systems of public and private programs designed to provide a basic standard of living and support to individuals and families facing economic hardship or social challenges.

More on: Social Safety Nets

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of social safety nets, including their role in addressing economic insecurity, the challenges faced by those lacking access to such programs, and the efforts to reform and strengthen these systems.

The episodes cover topics such as the debate around whether Social Security contributes to the national debt ('Is Social Security a drag on national debt? Depends on how you define "debt."'), the inadequacy of social safety nets in certain regions ("My Family Needs Help... Desperately."), and the importance of preserving and expanding social programs like Social Security and Medicare ("Trump THROWS TANTRUM after COGNITIVE ABILITY Challenged").

The episodes also explore the reliance on crowdfunding and its limitations in providing a robust social safety net ("TBD | The Dark Side of GoFundMe"), as well as the critical role of social safety nets in the decision-making process of Chinese emigrants ("Run part 1: Why are Chinese people running to Japan?").

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