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Topic: Socialism/Marxism

Socialism and Marxism are socioeconomic and political systems that advocate for the collective ownership and control of the means of production, with the goal of achieving a more equitable distribution of wealth and power.

More on: Socialism/Marxism

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of socialism and Marxist critiques of capitalism, including the ideological foundations, strategic priorities, and future direction of the socialist movement in the United States.

Episode Whither the DSA? w/ Briana Last examines the current state and challenges facing the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a prominent socialist organization, in terms of its lack of clear priorities and cohesive political strategy.

Episode Ep 178 - The People's Republic of Walmart (w/ Leigh Phillips & Michal Rozworski) delves into the idea of large corporations like Walmart operating as planned economies internally, and makes the case for democratic economic planning as a solution to major global challenges.

These episodes touch on key topics within the broader context of socialism and Marxism, such as working class politics, the labor movement, economic planning, and moral critiques of capitalism.

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