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Topic: Sociology

Sociology is the scientific study of human society and social behavior.

More on: Sociology

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics that are closely related to the field of sociology, as they explore various aspects of human behavior, social interactions, and cultural phenomena.

For example, the episode 'You're Not The Good Samaritan' examines the findings of a study on moral circles and how they relate to sociological analysis. The episode 'How Moms Became Our Social Safety Net' draws on sociological research and insights to understand the factors contributing to the persistence of 'DIY' ideologies and resistance to a stronger social safety net.

Similarly, the episode 'Benefit of the doubt (E)' explores sociological concepts around in-groups, out-groups, and how trust has been perceived differently throughout human history. The episode 'Nudity' also touches on sociological theories and the work of sociologists like Norbert Elias examining the 'civilizing process'.

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