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Topic: Solar power

Solar power is a renewable energy source that is becoming increasingly cost-competitive and driving global adoption.

More on: Solar power

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of solar power, including how it works, the potential of solar energy, and the advancements in solar technology.

Episode "How does Solar Power make electricity?" delves into the basics of solar power, explaining how solar panels convert sunlight into electricity and addressing common questions about solar power's practicality.

The episode "Be of good cheer! Reasons to feel optimistic about the energy transition at the end of 2023" highlights the significant drop in the cost of solar modules, making solar power increasingly competitive against fossil fuels and driving its global adoption.

Similarly, the episode "Ep. 103: Clean Energy in 2021 and Beyond" discusses the progress and future developments in solar power, including the growth of large-scale solar farms and advancements in solar panel technology.

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