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Topic: Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War was a conflict between the Republican government and Nationalist rebel forces led by Francisco Franco, which resulted in a dark new era of warfare where civilians were targeted in air raids.

More on: Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War was a complex and multifaceted conflict that unfolded in Spain between 1936 and 1939, pitting the left-wing Republican government against the Nationalist rebel forces led by Francisco Franco. The war was shaped by a range of political, social, and ideological factors, including the rise of fascism, the struggle between socialism and capitalism, and the broader geopolitical tensions in Europe at the time.

The podcast episodes provided offer valuable insights into the Spanish Civil War, with "The Bombing of Guernica" exploring the horrific bombing of the town by German Nazi air forces supporting the Nationalist rebels, and the [BEST OF] The Spanish Civil War episode providing a comprehensive analysis of the conflict, its historical context, key events, and lasting impact on Spanish society.

These episodes shed light on the broader significance of the Spanish Civil War, which served as a precursor to World War II and had a profound influence on the development of modern warfare, the rise of anti-fascist movements, and the artistic and cultural expression of the time.

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