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Topic: Spirituality and mindfulness

Spirituality and mindfulness practices can be powerful tools for personal growth, healing, and finding inner peace.

More on: Spirituality and mindfulness

The podcast episodes discuss how embracing spirituality, mindfulness, and holistic approaches can be an important part of the recovery journey, addressing both physical and emotional aspects of healing.

For example, in episode Battling Suicidality and Addiction: Kayli's Journey from CPS Worker to Sobriety (4 Months Sober), the host Haley talks about incorporating practices like sweat lodges and cold therapy as part of her recovery, emphasizing the significance of addressing the whole person. Similarly, in episode Meet the Host Kamila Rakhimova, the guest Kamila briefly mentions meditation and being present as helpful in aligning with her true self.

These examples highlight how spirituality and mindfulness can be valuable tools for those on a path of healing, recovery, and personal growth.

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