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Topic: Sports fandom

Sports fandom encompasses the emotional investment, dedication, and camaraderie that fans develop toward their favorite teams and athletes.

More on: Sports fandom

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate the various aspects and manifestations of sports fandom, from the excitement and anticipation surrounding major sporting events and championships to the deep personal connections that fans develop with their teams and players.

The episodes highlight the spectrum of fan experiences, including the highs of celebrating championship victories The Biggest Game in the History of Big Games, the lows of dealing with disappointments and setbacks The Vibes are Bad, and the intense rivalries that emerge between fan bases Enough is Enough.

The podcasts also explore the social and cultural dynamics of sports fandom, such as the role of media and analysis Knicks Up 2-0 and Pacers Call Out the Refs, the impact of fandom on personal relationships Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 5-30-24, and the broader implications of sports in society What Makes A Football Movie Great?.

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