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Topic: Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction is the practice of implementing techniques and strategies to alleviate and manage feelings of tension, anxiety, and overwhelm, promoting overall well-being and balance.

More on: Stress Reduction

The podcast episodes provided focus on various meditation and mindfulness practices as effective tools for reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

For example, the episode 'The Ultimate Relaxation Meditation | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren' guides listeners through a calming 'porch sit' meditation to help decompress at the end of the day. Similarly, the 'Evening Meditation to Lower Stress and Anxiety' episode leads the audience through breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization to help unwind from a stressful day.

Other episodes, such as 'Develop Self Awareness and Learn How to Control Your Emotions' and 'Reduce Overwhelm and Stop Overthinking ~ Calming Guided Meditation', focus on cultivating self-awareness and emotional regulation as a means to manage stress and anxiety.

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