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Topic: Student debt crisis

The student debt crisis in the United States has grown to a staggering $1.7 trillion, making it a significant economic issue that has far-reaching implications.

More on: Student debt crisis

The podcast episodes provided discuss the growing student debt crisis in the United States, exploring its origins, evolution, and the various attempts by administrations to address it.

Several episodes, such as The Real Origins of the Student Debt Crisis, Why more Americans are moving back in with family, and No Mercy / No Malice: Rot, delve into the factors that have contributed to the ballooning student debt burden, including the rising costs of higher education and the expansion of student loan programs.

The episodes also examine potential solutions, such as debt cancellation and making public colleges tuition-free, as advocated for in The Case for Student Debt Cancellation. The discussions highlight the significant economic and societal implications of the student debt crisis, as well as the need for policy reforms to address this pressing issue.

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