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Topic: Supply and demand

Supply and demand is the fundamental economic principle that describes the relationship between the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing to sell and the quantity that consumers are willing to buy.

More on: Supply and demand

The concept of supply and demand is a central theme across the various podcast episodes provided, as it is used to analyze and explain a wide range of economic phenomena.

For example, in the episode 'The Marginal Revolution (Encore)', the discussion focuses on how the marginal revolution in economics led to the development of supply and demand curves, which allow for a more nuanced understanding of how prices and quantities are determined.

Other episodes examine supply and demand dynamics in specific markets, such as 'Is chicken getting cheap? And other questions' which explores factors impacting meat prices, 'How To MAKE Money on Wine' which looks at the supply and demand for investment-worthy wines, and 'Trillion Dollar Shot, Episode 4: The Disruptors' which discusses the challenges of meeting demand for weight loss drugs.

The episodes also touch on related topics like scarcity, consumer preferences, production capacity, and market equilibrium - all of which are fundamental to understanding supply and demand.

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