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Topic: Surrender and obedience

Surrendering one's life fully to God and obeying His calling, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable, leads to transformation and freedom.

More on: Surrender and obedience

The topic of 'Surrender and obedience' is central to the messages conveyed in the provided podcast episodes. These episodes emphasize the importance of fully surrendering one's life to God, trusting in His plan, and being obedient to His will, even when it may feel challenging or counterintuitive.

The episodes highlight how this surrender and obedience can lead to profound personal transformation, the discovery of one's divine purpose, and the freedom that comes from allowing God to work in and through one's life. The stories and testimonies shared encourage listeners to let go of their own plans and agendas, and instead, to embrace God's higher calling.

Examples of this theme can be seen in episodes such as It's Not Over (Jabin Chavez), where the speaker encourages the congregation to see their situations from God's perspective and surrender their inadequacies to Him, allowing Him to work miracles. In S2 EP14. Girls Gone Bible and Ashley Hetherington, the guests share how surrendering to Jesus and being obedient to His Word has transformed their lives and brought them healing and freedom. Similarly, in EP 18: More is Required, Megan Ashley emphasizes the importance of trusting God and being fully obedient to His calling, even when it feels uncomfortable.

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