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Topic: Surveillance capitalism

Surveillance capitalism is a business model where companies collect and monetize individuals' personal data without their knowledge or consent, often using sophisticated algorithms to maximize user engagement.

More on: Surveillance capitalism

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of 'surveillance capitalism', which refers to the business model employed by many large technology companies that involves the extensive collection and exploitation of user data for financial gain.

Several episodes, such as The New American Surveillance State, A Looming TikTok Ban + A Royal Photoshop Mystery + Your Car is Snitching, and An Answer to Big Tech? Tech at a Human Scale, delve into the implications of surveillance capitalism for individual privacy, civil liberties, and human autonomy.

The episodes also explore the broader context of how these data collection and monetization practices are facilitated by technology companies, government agencies, and data brokers, and the need for stronger regulations, ethical frameworks, and alternative models that prioritize user consent and the common good.

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