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Topic: Suspense

Suspense is a narrative technique that creates a sense of uncertainty, anticipation, or anxiety in the audience, heightening engagement and emotional investment in a story.

More on: Suspense

Suspense is a core narrative technique used extensively across the podcast episodes, heightening the sense of danger, unease, and anticipation experienced by listeners.

Many of the stories leverage suspenseful pacing, vivid descriptions, and ominous foreshadowing to create an atmosphere of dread and the feeling that something ominous is lurking just out of sight. This effectively draws the audience into the narrative and heightens their emotional investment in the characters' fates.

Specific examples of suspense-driven episodes include Vol. 224: 3 Disturbing True Stories from Reddit, City of Midnight - The Red Death: Part 2 by Dale Drake, and S2E10: Them.

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