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Topic: Suspense and Tension

Suspense and tension are literary techniques that build anticipation and unease in the audience, creating a sense of uncertainty and heightened emotional response.

More on: Suspense and Tension

The podcast episodes demonstrate the use of suspense and tension to engage the listener and elicit emotional responses.

For example, in the episode '3 Scary 4th Of July Stories With Rain & Haunting Ambience', the narration builds suspense and tension throughout each story, keeping the listener engaged and on edge.

Similarly, the episode 'The Eye by Erutious' employs literary techniques like foreshadowing, dramatic pauses, and escalating dread to build suspense around the central conflict.

The episode 'Ch.197: Man in Abyss Receives a Bamboo Hat in the Rain 2' also builds suspense and tension around the impending threat of the human face disease and the crowd's decision on how to respond, creating a sense of anticipation.

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