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Topic: Sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture is an approach to food production that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, through environmentally-friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable farming practices.

More on: Sustainable agriculture

The podcast episodes discuss sustainable agriculture from various angles, highlighting the need to transition from the current industrial food system to more environmentally-friendly and community-oriented farming practices.

Several episodes advocate for regenerative agriculture, organic farming, and supporting local food production as alternatives to the dominant industrial model. For example, this episode features Alice Waters discussing the importance of locally-sourced, organic food, while this one delves into the harmful effects of processed ingredients like corn, soy, and wheat.

The episodes also explore the role of traditional ecological knowledge, as seen in this TED Talk on merging indigenous wisdom with modern science to adapt to climate change. Additionally, the podcast covers the systemic challenges facing sustainable agriculture, such as corporate consolidation and government policies, as highlighted in this episode.

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