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Topic: Sustainable development

Sustainable development is the balanced and equitable approach to meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

More on: Sustainable development

The concept of sustainable development is central to the podcast episodes, which explore various initiatives, challenges, and strategies for transitioning to more sustainable and equitable models of economic development, energy production, urban planning, and natural resource management.

For example, the episode 'The Energy Gang at the Reuters Global Energy Transition Conference - Day One' discusses the trade-offs and priorities involved in the energy transition, while 'Jan Sramek on California Forever and the future of cities' covers the sustainability features of a proposed new city development. The episodes also touch on topics like indigenous rights, environmental justice, and the need for global cooperation to address the climate crisis and promote sustainable practices.

Overall, the podcast episodes highlight the multifaceted nature of sustainable development, with the need to balance economic, environmental, and social considerations to ensure long-term prosperity and resilience.

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