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Topic: Sustainable Practices

Sustainable practices involve environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient methods that aim to minimize waste and promote long-term ecological balance.

More on: Sustainable Practices

The podcast episodes explore a wide range of sustainable practices, from plant-based agriculture and clean energy to waste reduction and environmental conservation.

For example, the episode 'Do Plants 'Think'? We Might Not Know Enough about Consciousness to be Certain' discusses how acknowledging plant capabilities could foster more sustainable and respectful practices in areas like agriculture and conservation.

The episode 'Why People Waste So Much & How Creative People-Create' delves into sustainable practices to reduce waste, such as using reusable containers, embracing technologies like induction cooking, and adopting a more conscious mindset towards consumption.

Other episodes explore sustainable practices in the coffee industry 'Makers of electric roasters pitch carbon cutting in coffee making', the mining industry 'Deep dive: The iron grip of Brazil's mining industry', the publishing industry 'What's better: E-readers or paper books?', the cannabis industry 'Terry talks with a Cannabis Producer', and the broader business landscape 'Nick Green | Making Healthy Living Easy with Thrive Market'. These examples demonstrate the diverse applications and importance of sustainable practices across various sectors.

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