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Topic: Systemic oppression

Systemic oppression refers to the deeply rooted, institutional, and often invisible systems that perpetuate inequalities and marginalization of certain groups within a society.

More on: Systemic oppression

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to systemic oppression, exploring how it manifests across various domains such as race, gender, sexuality, class, and age.

Several episodes, such as episode 54320, episode 9474, and episode 53637, examine how systemic oppression is deeply rooted in historical and institutional factors, and the need for comprehensive, intersectional approaches to dismantle these oppressive systems.

Other episodes, like episode 53087 and episode 55889, highlight the ways in which systemic oppression manifests in specific domains, such as environmental injustice and gender-based violence, and the efforts to address these issues through policy and activism.

Across the episodes, the common theme of the persistence and interconnectedness of various forms of systemic oppression is evident, underscoring the need for a holistic and transformative approach to achieve meaningful progress.

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