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Topic: Systemic racism

Systemic racism refers to the pervasive, institutional barriers and inequities that disadvantage certain racial groups and privilege others, often through policies, practices, and cultural norms that are deeply embedded within society.

More on: Systemic racism

The podcast episodes provided explore the pervasive and multifaceted nature of systemic racism in America, examining how it is entrenched within various societal institutions, policies, and structures.

The episodes highlight how systemic racism manifests in areas like the criminal justice system, healthcare, education, the economy, and the environment, perpetuating disparities and inequities for Black, Indigenous, and other marginalized communities.

Specific examples of systemic racism discussed include racial disparities in policing, the school-to-prison pipeline, housing discrimination, wealth gaps, environmental injustices, and biases in medical treatment, among others. The episodes explore both historical and contemporary manifestations of these deeply rooted systems of oppression.

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