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Topic: Tactics

Tactics refer to the specific actions, maneuvers, and strategies employed to achieve a particular goal or overcome a challenge.

More on: Tactics

The topic of 'Tactics' is prominently featured across the various podcast episodes provided, as they delve into the specific techniques and approaches used by different groups or individuals to navigate challenging situations and accomplish their aims.

For example, the episode 'Episode 41 - What is the Imperial Guard' discusses the tactics employed by the Imperial Guard in the Warhammer 40K universe, highlighting their reliance on overwhelming numbers, firepower, and expendability. Similarly, the episode 'C3E87 Arrival at Kreviris' from Critical Role explores how the party utilizes a range of tactics, from diplomacy and deception to stealth and combat, to navigate the challenges they face within the city of Kreviris.

The episode '07: The Waco Siege | Red Thread' provides a detailed examination of the tactics used by the ATF and FBI during the Waco Siege, including the use of tear gas, tanks, and psychological tactics. Finally, the episode 'Shawn on 'Doomer V Bloomer' - REVOLUTIONARY TACTICS' from the Srsly Wrong podcast focuses entirely on discussing various tactics and strategies that social movements can employ to achieve their goals.

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