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Topic: Taiwan-China relations

The precarious and complex relationship between Taiwan and China, with China claiming sovereignty over Taiwan while Taiwan asserts its de facto independence, is a central geopolitical issue in the region.

More on: Taiwan-China relations

The podcast episodes cover the various dimensions of Taiwan-China relations, including Taiwan's new president and his efforts to maintain the status quo of de facto independence while strengthening ties with democratic nations, the potential impact of Taiwan's upcoming presidential election on this relationship, and the deep-seated tensions and military threats involved.

For example, episode 30662 discusses Taiwan's new president and his stance on relations with China, while episode 1117 explores the upcoming Taiwanese presidential election and the key issue of Taiwan's relationship with China. Episode 62313 further highlights the geopolitical tensions surrounding Taiwan's complex relationship with China and the West.

The episodes also touch on related topics, such as the influence of Taiwanese gangs and their advocacy for unification with China (episode 51818), as well as the evolving and complex issue of Taiwanese identity in the context of Taiwan's precarious relationship with China (episode 929).

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