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Topic: Technological progress

Technological progress is the continuous advancement and improvement of tools, techniques, and scientific knowledge that enhances human capabilities and transforms society.

More on: Technological progress

The podcast episodes explore the multifaceted nature of technological progress, examining its impact on various sectors of society, the economy, and human civilization.

Several episodes delve into the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to disrupt industries, as seen in episodes like AI Demos: Meta AI Ups it's Game with Llama 3, AI is turning into something totally new, and AI's single point of failure.

Other episodes analyze how technological revolutions of the past, such as the development of electric lighting and the 'war of the currents' between AC and DC power in The War of the Currents (Encore), have shaped economic and societal transformation.

The podcasts also explore the broader implications of technological progress, including its impact on the future of work in 3 ways to use AI without replacing your coworkers, the potential for accelerating or decelerating innovation in Tech Acceleration vs Deceleration: e/acc vs. d/acc debate, and the ethical considerations around the development and deployment of new technologies.

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