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Topic: Technology regulation

Technology regulation involves the development and enforcement of laws, policies, and guidelines to manage the risks and impacts of emerging technologies.

More on: Technology regulation

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of technology regulation, highlighting the challenges and debates surrounding the oversight of rapidly evolving technologies like artificial intelligence, social media, cryptocurrency, and facial recognition.

The episodes cover topics such as the regulation of app store policies The case for wage insurance, the government's struggle to regulate the vaping industry and address unintended consequences How Juul created a market, fueled a crisis, and why regulators failed to stop it, and the need for legal and regulatory frameworks to keep pace with advancements in AI and other emerging technologies AI Tupac and the murky legality of digital necromancy.

The episodes also explore the role of government in addressing issues like misinformation, online safety, and the potential misuse of technologies like deepfakes and AI-generated content Schools are dealing with a wave of AI-generated fake nudes.

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