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Topic: The book of Ephesians

The book of Ephesians is a powerful letter written by the Apostle Paul that expounds on the mystery of God's eternal plan to unite all people in Christ, the head of the Church.

More on: The book of Ephesians

The podcast episodes from 'Unashamed with the Robertson Family' delve extensively into the central themes and passages of the biblical book of Ephesians.

The discussions unpack how Ephesians reveals God's overarching plan to bring unity between Jews and Gentiles in the Church, through faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The episodes examine key Ephesian concepts such as the 'mystery' of this Jewish-Gentile unity (episode 902), the believer's purpose as Christ's ambassadors (episode 904), and Christ's ongoing work through the Church in the heavenly realms (episode 910).

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