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Topic: Time-restricted eating (intermittent fasting)

Time-restricted eating (intermittent fasting) is a dietary approach that involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, which can have benefits for metabolic health and longevity.

More on: Time-restricted eating (intermittent fasting)

The podcast episodes focus heavily on the concept of time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, and its impact on metabolic health. In Episode 30229, Dr. Satchin Panda, a circadian rhythm expert, discusses the significance of aligning meal timing, light exposure, and movement with the body's circadian rhythms for optimal metabolic health. He covers topics such as the benefits of time-restricted eating, gut microbes, managing jet lag, and the influence of weight loss drugs.

Similarly, in Episode 47554, Dr. Panda delves deeper into the research on the benefits of time-restricted eating for metabolic health and longevity. He explains how confining caloric intake to a consistent daily window can positively impact physical and mental health by aligning with circadian rhythms. The conversation covers strategies, challenges, and implications of time-restricted feeding, as well as the influence of light exposure, exercise, and socialization on circadian behaviors and overall health.

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