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Topic: Transparency and authenticity

Transparency and authenticity involve openly communicating one's genuine motivations, interests, and creative processes, even when they may involve personal gain alongside charitable intentions.

More on: Transparency and authenticity

The concept of transparency and authenticity is highlighted in both podcast episodes, as the hosts and guests emphasize the importance of being upfront about their motivations, creative processes, and the challenges they face.

In the first episode, Frank Greeff discusses his new passion project of writing and selling a cookbook to raise $1 million for charity, while being transparent about his intention to also pursue personal gain alongside the charitable goals. This approach of blending personal and altruistic interests is explored in the context of "Being On-Purpose & Honouring Your Creativity with Frank Greeff | 659".

Similarly, in the second episode, the creators of the 'Among Us But It's a Reality Show' series discuss their willingness to be transparent about the behind-the-scenes challenges and creative processes involved in their content creation, as well as their desire to foster a connection with their audience beyond their on-screen personas, as seen in "Episode 1: Among Us Reality Show (Ft. Ryan Becker / Brantly Compton)".

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