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Topic: Transparency and regulation

Increased transparency and regulation of industries like college sports and social media are crucial to address issues of lack of accountability, profit-driven incentives, and interconnected harms to society.

More on: Transparency and regulation

The podcast episodes highlight the need for increased transparency and regulation of social media platforms and college sports to address issues such as the impact of social media on children's mental health, the lack of transparency and equity in the system of collectives paying college athletes, and the lack of accountability of social media companies for the harms caused by their platforms.

For example, in the episode How bullying shaped the surgeon general's fight against social media, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy calls for transparency from social media companies about data on mental health impacts and advocates for legislation and safety standards to make social media safer for children. Similarly, in the episode Real Social Media Solutions, Now - with Frances Haugen, Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen and Tristan Harris discuss the need for transparency and regulation to address the harms caused by social media platforms' algorithms and profit-driven incentives.

In the episode The Wild World of Money in College Football, the lack of transparency and regulation surrounding collectives' payments to college athletes is discussed, and the potential for the NCAA's proposed solutions to create a divide between wealthy and underfunded programs is highlighted.

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