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Topic: Truth telling

Truth-telling is a crucial practice that can regulate dopamine levels, improve mental and physical health, and facilitate recovery from addiction.

More on: Truth telling

The topic of 'truth-telling' is a recurring theme across the provided podcast episodes, highlighting its importance in various contexts.

In the first episode, renowned journalist and author Jon Ronson discusses his commitment to truth-telling and his exploration of the 'culture wars' through his podcast series, where he examines different ways people lie and distort the truth.

In the second episode, the discussion focuses on the importance of honest, truthful expression when recounting traumatic events, and its proposed connection to activating the prefrontal cortex and regulating stress responses.

Similarly, in the third episode, the importance of truth-telling, honesty, and its connection to dopamine regulation and intimate human connections is highlighted as a key topic in the context of understanding and treating addiction.

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