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Topic: Unity and Division

The tension between unity and division is a central theme in American politics, with political figures and media outlets often employing divisive tactics while ordinary citizens seek to overcome these divisions and find common ground.

More on: Unity and Division

The topic of 'Unity and Division' is a central theme that emerges from the podcast episodes provided, where the hosts grapple with the divisive tactics of political figures and the media, and call for greater unity and personal responsibility among Americans.

The episodes discuss how unity among revolutionaries or reformers can quickly dissolve into factional conflicts and division after a successful uprising or change in power, as seen in "Appendix 7- The Entropy of Victory". This pattern of initial unity giving way to post-victory division is a recurring phenomenon explored in the podcasts.

The episodes also highlight how events like a solar eclipse can momentarily unite people, in contrast to the ongoing political divisions and polarization discussed in "Biden's Bet on Student Debt" and other episodes.

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