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Topic: University reform

University reform seeks to overhaul the higher education system to better serve students and address the many challenges facing modern universities.

More on: University reform

The podcast episodes discuss the need for reforming the university system in the United States, covering a range of subtopics such as potential reforms within existing universities, the creation of new university models, and the exploration of startup opportunities to disrupt and replace outdated aspects of the current higher education system.

For example, in Fixing Higher Education & New Startup Opportunities with Marc and Ben, the hosts advocate for reforms focused on the student experience, including unbundling university functions into separate entities or creating new institutions with updated, personalized approaches leveraging technology and diverse talent identification.

Similarly, in Fixing Higher Education & New Startup Opportunities, the discussion delves into reforms that could be made within existing universities, such as changes to admissions and grading processes, as well as the potential for startup opportunities to disrupt the current higher education model.

Lastly, in Crisis in Higher Ed & Why Universities Still Matter, the hosts engage in a thoughtful discussion about the various challenges facing the university system, questioning the value and credibility of university degrees, exploring financial pressures, and suggesting the need for potential reforms or new models.

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