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Topic: Unsolved mysteries

Unsolved mysteries are cases and events that remain shrouded in uncertainty, defying explanation and sparking ongoing public fascination.

More on: Unsolved mysteries

The podcast episodes about unsolved mysteries delve into a wide range of cases that have remained unresolved, from notorious serial killings and unexplained disappearances to puzzling deaths and bizarre incidents.

For example, the episode 'Introducing: There and Gone: South Street' explores the decades-long mystery of the missing couple Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone, while 'Episode 578: Clementine Barnabet & The Church of the Sacrifice & The Louisiana Axe Murders' investigates the unsolved axe murders attributed to a troubled teenager.

Other episodes, such as '25: The Tylenol Murders | Red Thread' and '337: Case 290: The Crawford Family', delve into the lingering questions and unanswered details surrounding high-profile unsolved cases that have captivated public interest for years.

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