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Topic: Urban Ecology

Urban Ecology explores the complex interplay between urban environments, their natural elements, and the people who inhabit them, aiming to create sustainable and livable cities.

More on: Urban Ecology

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of Urban Ecology, from the benefits of urban trees "How do trees help our cities?" to the impacts of introducing species like squirrels "352- Uptown Squirrel [update]" to urban environments.

The episodes also delve into the importance of urban green spaces for mental health "How do trees help our cities?", the intelligence and adaptability of urban wildlife like crows "Naturally connected: An ode to the crow", and the broader connections between capitalism, ecology, and urban development "Mike Davis and the Socialist Project w/ Micah Uetricht".

These diverse perspectives shed light on the multifaceted field of Urban Ecology and its crucial role in building sustainable and equitable cities.

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