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Topic: US Left Politics

The US left political landscape, including socialist and communist movements, their strategies, and their efforts to transform the economy and society.

More on: US Left Politics

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of US left politics, including the application of Maoist dialectical thinking and mass orientation for revolutionary organizing, as well as the potential for democratic ownership models and sustainable economic transformation.

The episodes contextualize these discussions within the landscape of the divided US socialist/communist left, highlighting the ongoing intra-left struggle and the need for a principled, mass-oriented approach.

For example, the episode '[BEST OF] On Contradiction - Mao' delves into the continued relevance of Mao's dialectical thinking and mass line for building a communist movement, while the episode 'Building a Democratic and Sustainable Economy w/ Mathew Lawrence' explores the potential for inclusive ownership funds and a Green New Deal as part of a broader economic transformation.

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