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Topic: US support for Israel

The United States' steadfast support for Israel's military actions and policies, despite their impact on the Palestinian people and the country's global reputation.

More on: US support for Israel

The podcast episodes examine the Biden administration's defense of Israel and its arms sales to the country, even as Israel faces accusations of war crimes and disproportionate use of force against civilians in Gaza. Several episodes discuss how this US support has damaged America's global reputation and standing, and enabled Israel's occupation and oppression of Palestinians.Democracy Now! 2024-06-21 Friday

The episodes also cover President Biden's condemnation of the ICC's pursuit of arrest warrants for Israeli leaders over the Gaza assault, as well as the resignation of a Jewish Biden appointee over the administration's Gaza policies. These events further highlight the topic of US support for Israel and its ongoing consequences.Democracy Now! 2024-05-21 Tuesday

Additionally, the episodes explore how the US backing of Israel's military actions has fueled further radicalization and a cycle of violence in the region, damaging America's reputation. The discussions also frame Jewish American activism, like that of Jewish Voice for Peace, as challenging this powerful pro-Israel lobby and US government support.40. USA: A Jewish group's 30-year solidarity with Palestine

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