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Topic: Utility Business Models

Utility business models are evolving to adapt to the changing energy landscape, with the integration of distributed energy resources and AI technologies disrupting traditional models.

More on: Utility Business Models

The podcast episodes provided explore how the utility industry is grappling with a changing landscape, including the rise of distributed energy resources, the push for decarbonization, and the need to build grid resilience in the face of growing climate impacts.

These shifts are forcing utilities to rethink their business models, moving away from the traditional model of being a centralized commodity supplier towards becoming more of a service provider that integrates and orchestrates a diverse array of distributed energy resources on the grid.

The episodes discuss specific examples of this transition, such as the adoption of virtual power plants [Episode #197] - Virtual Power Plants (VPPs), the integration of battery storage projects The New Normal for the Grid: Batteries, and the challenges of adapting wholesale power markets to high levels of renewable energy [Episode #90] - How Will Decarbonized Power Markets Work?.

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