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Topic: Value investing

Value investing is a strategy that seeks to identify undervalued stocks with the potential for long-term growth by focusing on a company's fundamentals and intrinsic worth rather than short-term market fluctuations.

More on: Value investing

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on value investing principles, with guests and hosts discussing strategies, philosophies, and case studies related to this approach.

For example, in episode Canada's Market: Apathy Means Opportunity, the hosts emphasize the importance of seeking out undervalued, high-quality companies as a key tenet of value investing. Similarly, in episode MI358: The Essays of Warren Buffett w/ Shawn O'Malley, the discussion delves into Buffett's value investing methods, including his focus on intrinsic value and margin of safety.

Other relevant episodes include TIP640: Investing: The Last Liberal Art w/ Clay Finck & Kyle Grieve, which covers mental models and frameworks used in value investing, and RWH046: A New Golden Age w/ Bob Robotti, which advocates for a value-oriented approach in the current market environment.

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