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Topic: Values

Values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide an individual's or organization's actions and decision-making.

More on: Values

The topic of "Values" is central to the podcast episodes provided, as they repeatedly explore how individuals and groups define, uphold, and align their decisions and behaviors with their core values.

Several episodes, such as A Practical Guide on How To Change Your World with John Maxwell, Thinking About Thinking with Brené Brown and Adam Grant: Part One, and REAL Self-Care: Burnout Is Not Your Fault & the Way Out with Dr. Pooja Lakshmin, emphasize the importance of getting clear on one's personal values as a foundation for growth, fulfillment, and authentic living.

Other episodes, including Developing Trust - Part 1, How to live an awesome life with Ben Coomber, and 8 Habits of Great Decision Makers, Part 2, discuss how aligning decisions and actions with one's values is crucial for consistent, principled leadership and decision-making.

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