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Topic: Values alignment

Values alignment is the process of ensuring that one's activities, goals, and behaviors are in harmony with their core personal values.

More on: Values alignment

The podcast episodes provided discuss the importance of values alignment in various contexts, such as personal growth, productivity, and flow state.

For example, the episode 'How to Rewrite Yourself and Escape Programming (Writing Your Own Character Sheet)' emphasizes the need to align reinvented personas with core personal values, while the episode 'BONUS EPISODE: Are You Burned Out? Listen To This. (Chapter 7 Feel-Good Productivity)' discusses how aligning work activities with personal values, interests, and sources of meaning can help prevent burnout.

Similarly, the episode '192: Flow State' touches on the importance of ensuring that the activities engaged in during flow state align with one's personal values and goals, as flow state itself is inherently amoral.

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