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Topic: Virtue

Virtue is the cultivation of moral excellence and good character through reason and the practice of virtuous actions.

More on: Virtue

The concept of virtue is a central theme that runs through the podcast episodes, which explore the Stoic and philosophical perspectives on virtuous living.

Virtue is presented as the means by which individuals can overcome obstacles, maintain integrity, and discharge debts to the past, as exemplified in episodes discussing the lives and teachings of figures like Marcus Aurelius, Cato the Younger, and Epictetus. What's In Your Way Is The Way and How Marcus Aurelius Became Marcus Aurelius highlight the Stoic virtues of wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance.

The podcasts also grapple with the nature of virtue itself, as seen in episodes examining Plato's dialogues on the topic, such as Protagoras and Laches. Additionally, the role of virtue in spiritual growth and moral philosophy is explored in episodes like Are You Getting HOLIER?! and What Part Will You Play?.

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