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Topic: Virtue signaling

Virtue signaling is the practice of publicly expressing opinions or beliefs that are intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral superiority of one's position on a particular issue.

More on: Virtue signaling

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of virtue signaling in various contexts, critiquing it as a form of shallow or performative morality.

For example, in the episode 'Ep. 1385 - We Have Some Of The Covenant Shooter's Writings. Here's What They Say.', the host Matt Walsh accuses the birdwatching community of engaging in virtue signaling through their efforts to address racism and slavery.

Similarly, in the episode '#755 - Dr Phil - What Happened To The Education System?', Dr. Phil criticizes the trend of virtue signaling in universities and corporations, where ideologies are embraced without necessarily aligning with critical thinking or factual evidence.

The episode 'Ep 138 - Virtue Signalling' from the 'Srsly Wrong' podcast provides a more in-depth analysis of the concept, exploring its merits, drawbacks, and the importance of genuine over shallow virtue signaling.

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