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Topic: Vocational discernment

Vocational discernment is the process of discovering and aligning one's true calling or purpose in life through self-reflection and exploration.

More on: Vocational discernment

The podcast episodes provided explore the concept of vocational discernment, which involves the journey of finding clarity and purpose in one's work and life.

In the first episode, "Finding Vocational Clarity with Parker J. Palmer", the guest discusses his personal journey towards vocational clarity, the importance of listening to one's inner voice, and the metaphor of the soul as a 'wild animal' that requires patience and space to reveal itself.

The second episode, "Watt It Takes: A Tesla Veteran's Mission to Build Long-Duration Batteries", features Matteo Jaramillo's experiences at the Yale Divinity School and the process of vocational discernment that led him to his current role in the renewable energy industry.

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