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Topic: Voter disillusionment

Voter disillusionment refers to a growing sentiment among some voters that the political system is not serving their interests and that the choices presented to them are insufficient or unsatisfactory.

More on: Voter disillusionment

The podcast episodes provided explore the theme of voter disillusionment in depth, examining how it has contributed to the fragmentation of the political landscape in the UK and the rise of unconventional and divisive candidates.

Several episodes, such as The worst Tory defeat in history, Why is the UK voting for the left as Europe moves to the right?, and A tale of two elections, discuss how voter disillusionment with mainstream political parties and the perceived lack of differentiation between their agendas has led to a surge in support for independent and smaller parties, as well as the potential for a political realignment.

The episodes also touch on the reasons behind this disillusionment, including perceived corruption, broken promises, and a sense that the political establishment is out of touch with the concerns of ordinary citizens. This sentiment is further explored in episodes like Election Extra: will undecided voters be decisive? and Talking To The Wisconsinites Who Haven't Made Up Their Minds.

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