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Topic: Water crisis

The water crisis refers to the growing global challenge of water scarcity, quality, and distribution issues that impact communities, economies, and ecosystems worldwide.

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The podcast episodes explore various aspects of the water crisis, including its impacts on cities like Phoenix, Arizona, Bengaluru, India, and Mexico City.

In the episode "George Packer: Phoenix, the Most American City", the discussion centers around the Colorado River drought and its effects on Arizona, highlighting the need for better water management and conservation efforts.

The episode on the "foreign agents" law in Georgia also dedicates a significant portion to the water crisis in Bengaluru, India, exploring the causes of the crisis and the need for improved urban planning and infrastructure.

The episode "North America's biggest city is running out of water" delves deep into the worsening water shortage in Mexico City, examining the historical context, current challenges, and potential solutions to address the crisis.

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