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Topic: Wealth Inequality

Wealth inequality refers to the uneven distribution of wealth, where a small percentage of the population holds a disproportionately large share of a society's total wealth.

More on: Wealth Inequality

The topic of wealth inequality is extensively covered across the podcast episodes, with many exploring the systemic factors that contribute to the growing concentration of wealth among a small elite.

Several episodes, such as Luck and Power, with Garrett Neiman and The War On The Young with professor Scott Galloway, directly address wealth inequality and advocate for solutions like wealth redistribution and investing in marginalized communities.

Other episodes, such as Bill Gates has a problem (E) and The secret ingredient of business success | Pete Stavros, critique the failure of billionaires to fulfill their philanthropic pledges and propose employee ownership as a means of creating wealth for working families.

The episodes also examine the psychological and societal impacts of extreme wealth inequality, as seen in We Love When Actors Destroy Tables and The Art of Loving - 286 PREVIEW, which discuss the alienation of the ultra-wealthy from the general public.

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