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Topic: Wealth transfer

Wealth transfer refers to the process of passing down financial assets and resources from one generation to the next, often with the goal of preserving and growing family wealth over time.

More on: Wealth transfer

The topic of wealth transfer is prominently featured across several of the podcast episodes provided, highlighting the opportunities and challenges associated with transitioning business ownership and real estate assets to the next generation.

In Episode 65149: "The Hidden Wealth in Buying Businesses with Codie Sanchez", the discussion centers around acquiring undervalued businesses as a pathway to wealth creation, with the impending wealth transfer from baby boomers as a key driver of these opportunities.

Similarly, Episode 30639: "Expanding Your Investment Strategy to Include Venture Capital with Kate Nevin" explores how the wealth transfer to women presents new avenues for diversifying venture capital portfolios and investing in underrepresented founders.

Episodes 10033: "Tax-Free Retirement" and 11440: "Tax Structuring Considerations for Transferring Real Estate Wealth to the Next Generation" delve into the financial and tax planning strategies for effectively transferring wealth, particularly in the context of real estate and retirement accounts.

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